Daniel Bols is the founder and portfolio manager of the The Somnium Capital Fund. Co-founder of a fast-growing and international interior design company and author of The Investment Bible, Daniel runs the Somnium Capital Fund since inception in 2015.
Daniel runs the fund modeled after the original Warren Buffett partnership, with no fees and only compensation after returns exceeding 6% annually. It is a value investing approach inspired by Buffett’s simple principles of value investing: stocks are pieces of real businesses, where we buy stocks for less than their fair value and where we patiently think for the long-term and behave accordingly. In practice this means, as Daniel defines it, "that we basically to sit on our ass and read all day" and annually make the fewest of capital allocation decisions, if at all.
Daniel describes himself as a bibliophile. His kids joke that after having read annual reports and earnings calls all day, he likes to relax by reading newspapers and a book.
Daniel has an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management, class of 1997. He currently lives in The Netherlands with his wife Andrea and their two children, Valentina and Isabella.